Updated On : Jul-28,2022 Time Investment : ~30 mins

MXNet (GluonCV): Image Classification using Pre-Trained Models

What is Image Classification?

Image classification is a task in computer vision that takes the whole image as one and classifies it into a particular target category.

Over the years many, deep learning models have been developed to solve image classification tasks. These models have quite a high accuracy.

Imagenet is an organization that has a very large database of images and regularly organizes image classification competitions. The models that win these competitions like VGG, ResNet, InceptionNet, MobileNet, etc are extremely well-performing. Imagenet has nearly 1000 categories of images which includes various animals, sea life, daily use things, etc.

Many deep learning libraries (PyTorch, MXNet (GluonCV), OpenCV, etc) nowadays provides these famous models which we can download and use directly for our image classification task. We can either use these models as it is if our images fall into some of those categories. If our images have different class labels then also we can use them by adding a few dense layers at the end to make them work for our task.

What can you learn from this article?

As a part of this tutorial, we have explained how we can use pre-trained image classification models available from Python library GluonCV (MXNet). GluonCV is a helper library of MXNet networks for computer vision related tasks. GluonCV currently provides models trained on Imagenet and CIFAR datasets. Below, we have listed some of the available models for reference purposes.

Imagenet Models

  • ResNet
  • ResNext
  • ResNeSt
  • MobileNet
  • VGG
  • SqueezeNet
  • DenseNet
  • AlexNet
  • InceptionV3
  • GoogLeNet

Below, we have listed import sections of the tutorial to give an overview of the material covered.

Important Sections Of Tutorial

  1. Prepare Images
    • 1.1 Download Images
    • 1.2 Transform Images to ND Arrays and Normalize Them
  2. Load Models
    • 2.1 ResNet101
    • 2.2 VGG19 with Batch Normalization
  3. Make Predictions
  4. Retrieve Target Labels
  5. Visualize Results
    • 5.1 RestNet Predictions Visualization
    • 5.2 VGG Predictions Visualization
  6. Try Other Models

Below, we have imported the necessary Python libraries and printed the versions that we have used in our tutorial.

Install MXNet & GluonCV

  • !pip install --upgrade mxnet gluoncv
import mxnet

print("MXNet Version : {}".format(mxnet.__version__))
MXNet Version : 1.9.1
import gluoncv

print("GluonCV Version : {}".format(gluoncv.__version__))
GluonCV Version : 0.11.0
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gluoncv/__init__.py:40: UserWarning: Both `mxnet==1.9.1` and `torch==1.11.0+cpu` are installed. You might encounter increased GPU memory footprint if both framework are used at the same time.
  warnings.warn(f'Both `mxnet=={mx.__version__}` and `torch=={torch.__version__}` are installed. '
device = mxnet.gpu() if mxnet.test_utils.list_gpus() else mxnet.cpu()


MXNet (GluonCV): Image Classification using Pre-Trained Models

1. Prepare Images

In this section, we are preparing images to be given to pre-train MXNet networks for an image classification task. We have downloaded six images from the internet and converted them to MXNet ND arrays.

1.1 Download Images

Below, we have simply downloaded six images from the internet using download() utility function provided by GluonCV. The download() function lets us modify the image's file name and returns it. All files have just one object in them as networks are trained with one object image. The downloaded images have objects like panda, koala, lion, sea lion, wall clock, and digital clock. We'll be predicting these objects using the network.

After downloading all images, we loaded the wall clock image in memory using Python library Pillow and displayed it for reference purposes.

from gluoncv import utils

panda = utils.download("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3c/Giant_Panda_2004-03-2.jpg/1200px-Giant_Panda_2004-03-2.jpg", "panda.jpg")
koala = utils.download("https://cdn-wordpress-info.futurelearn.com/wp-content/uploads/unique-animals-australia.jpg", "koala.jpg")
lion = utils.download("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Wildlife_at_Maasai_Mara_%28Lion%29.jpg", "lion.jpg")
sea_lion = utils.download("https://149366112.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/1280px-monachus_schauinslandi.jpg", "sea_lion.jpg")
wall_clock = utils.download("https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51RxQK7kK0L._SY355_.jpg", "wall_clock.jpg")
digital_clock = utils.download("https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0024/9803/5810/products/583309-Product-0-I-637800179303038345.jpg", "digital_clock.jpg")
Downloading panda.jpg from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3c/Giant_Panda_2004-03-2.jpg/1200px-Giant_Panda_2004-03-2.jpg...
100%|██████████| 212/212 [00:00<00:00, 908.55KB/s]
Downloading koala.jpg from https://cdn-wordpress-info.futurelearn.com/wp-content/uploads/unique-animals-australia.jpg...
296KB [00:00, 13835.03KB/s]
Downloading lion.jpg from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Wildlife_at_Maasai_Mara_%28Lion%29.jpg...
1724KB [00:00, 3921.82KB/s]
Downloading sea_lion.jpg from https://149366112.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/1280px-monachus_schauinslandi.jpg...
161KB [00:00, 1888.58KB/s]
Downloading wall_clock.jpg from https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51RxQK7kK0L._SY355_.jpg...
12KB [00:00, 3401.02KB/s]
Downloading digital_clock.jpg from https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0024/9803/5810/products/583309-Product-0-I-637800179303038345.jpg...
100%|██████████| 353/353 [00:00<00:00, 14885.98KB/s]
from PIL import Image


MXNet (GluonCV): Image Classification using Pre-Trained Models

1.2 Transform Images to ND Arrays and Normalize Them

In this section, we have imported all images in memory as ND Arrays and then transformed them to be given to a pre-trained network for processing.

MXNet provides imread() function as a part of 'image' sub-module that let us load images in memory as ND Arrays. The function takes the image name and returns ND Array of shape (3, height, weight) representing a color image. Please make a NOTE that all models are trained on color images. The ND Array has integer values representing color images in the range 0-255.

After loading images as ND Arrays, we have transformed them using transform_eval() function available from GluonCV. This function takes a list of ND Array images, resizes them to shape (3, 224, 244), and then normalizes them (subtract by mean and divide the result by standard deviation). The mean ([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) and standard deviation ([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) used to normalize images are Imagenet images mean and standard deviation. Its common practice to normalize images using them. The function also adds an extra batch dimension at the beginning as required by the model.

from gluoncv.data.transforms.presets.imagenet import transform_eval
from mxnet import nd

panda_arr = mxnet.image.imread(panda)
koala_arr = mxnet.image.imread(koala)
lion_arr = mxnet.image.imread(lion)
sea_lion_arr = mxnet.image.imread(sea_lion)
wall_clock_arr = mxnet.image.imread(wall_clock)
digital_clock_arr = mxnet.image.imread(digital_clock)


panda_arr, koala_arr, lion_arr, sea_lion_arr, wall_clock_arr, digital_clock_arr = transform_eval([panda_arr,


panda_arr.shape, koala_arr.shape, lion_arr.shape, sea_lion_arr.shape, wall_clock_arr.shape, digital_clock_arr.shape
<class 'numpy.uint8'>
<class 'numpy.float32'>
((1, 3, 224, 224),
 (1, 3, 224, 224),
 (1, 3, 224, 224),
 (1, 3, 224, 224),
 (1, 3, 224, 224),
 (1, 3, 224, 224))

2. Load Models

Here, we have simply loaded models from GluonCV Model Zoo. The model zoo is commonly used in the ML community to refer to the repository of pre-trained networks of common problems. Below, we have first retrieved the list of models available from Model zoo and filtered it to print only ResNet (2015 release) and VGG (2014 release) versions. We can use the names listed here to load models.

For our explanation purpose, we have loaded RestNet101 and VGG19 with Batch Normalization using get_model() method of model zoo. We need to provide parameter pretrained as True in order to load pre-trained weights. If we don't provide it as True then it'll only load model architecture without weights. Load model without weights if you are planning to train it from scratch and you have a lot of data for it.

from gluoncv import model_zoo

models_list = model_zoo.get_model_list()

list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('resnet')])[:10], list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('vgg')])[:10]

2.1 ResNet101

resnet = model_zoo.get_model("resnet101_v1", pretrained=True, ctx=mxnet.Context(device))
Downloading /root/.mxnet/models/resnet101_v1-d988c13d.zip from https://apache-mxnet.s3-accelerate.dualstack.amazonaws.com/gluon/models/resnet101_v1-d988c13d.zip...
100354KB [00:02, 43152.72KB/s]

2.2 VGG19 with Batch Normalization

vgg = model_zoo.get_model("vgg19_bn", pretrained=True, ctx=mxnet.Context(device))
Downloading /root/.mxnet/models/vgg19_bn-f360b758.zip from https://apache-mxnet.s3-accelerate.dualstack.amazonaws.com/gluon/models/vgg19_bn-f360b758.zip...
100%|██████████| 519277/519277 [00:11<00:00, 44171.66KB/s]

3. Make Predictions

In this section, we have simply made predictions on our images using both pre-trained models. The output shape of each prediction is (1,1000). It represents 1000 probabilities as all networks are trained on imagenet datasets which have 1000 image categories.

panda_pred1 = resnet(panda_arr)
koala_pred1 = resnet(koala_arr)
lion_pred1 = resnet(lion_arr)
sea_lion_pred1 = resnet(sea_lion_arr)
wall_clock_pred1 = resnet(wall_clock_arr)
digital_clock_pred1 = resnet(digital_clock_arr)

(1, 1000)
panda_pred2 = vgg(panda_arr)
koala_pred2 = vgg(koala_arr)
lion_pred2 = vgg(lion_arr)
sea_lion_pred2 = vgg(sea_lion_arr)
wall_clock_pred2 = vgg(wall_clock_arr)
digital_clock_pred2 = vgg(digital_clock_arr)

(1, 1000)

4. Retrieve Target Labels

Below, we have retrieved actual target labels for images. We have sorted predictions from high probabilities to low and taken the first 5 highest probabilities. Then, we have retrieved labels for those top 5 probabilities using classes attribute of models. It has 1000 names of images. We can simply perform integer indexing on them to retrieve the image name. We are retrieving the first 5 target labels for all images and printing them as well.

panda_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(panda_pred1, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
panda_pred1 = [resnet.classes[idx] for idx in panda_idx]

koala_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(koala_pred1, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
koala_pred1 = [resnet.classes[idx] for idx in koala_idx]

lion_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(lion_pred1, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
lion_pred1 = [resnet.classes[idx] for idx in lion_idx]

sea_lion_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(sea_lion_pred1, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
sea_lion_pred1 = [resnet.classes[idx] for idx in sea_lion_idx]

wall_clock_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(wall_clock_pred1, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
wall_clock_pred1 = [resnet.classes[idx] for idx in wall_clock_idx]

digital_clock_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(digital_clock_pred1, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
digital_clock_pred1 = [resnet.classes[idx] for idx in digital_clock_idx]
['giant panda', 'lesser panda', 'soccer ball', 'teddy', 'indri']
['koala', 'wombat', 'teddy', 'indri', 'Madagascar cat']
['lion', 'cheetah', 'leopard', 'cougar', 'jaguar']
['sea lion', 'dugong', 'otter', 'electric ray', 'puffer']
['wall clock', 'analog clock', 'barometer', 'bell cote', 'digital clock']
['digital clock', 'digital watch', 'CD player', 'analog clock', 'odometer']
panda_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(panda_pred2, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
panda_pred2 = [vgg.classes[idx] for idx in panda_idx]

koala_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(koala_pred2, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
koala_pred2 = [vgg.classes[idx] for idx in koala_idx]

lion_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(lion_pred2, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
lion_pred2 = [vgg.classes[idx] for idx in lion_idx]

sea_lion_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(sea_lion_pred2, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
sea_lion_pred2 = [vgg.classes[idx] for idx in sea_lion_idx]

wall_clock_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(wall_clock_pred2, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
wall_clock_pred2 = [vgg.classes[idx] for idx in wall_clock_idx]

digital_clock_idx = mxnet.nd.topk(digital_clock_pred2, k=5)[0].astype('int').asnumpy().tolist()
digital_clock_pred2 = [vgg.classes[idx] for idx in digital_clock_idx]
['giant panda', 'badger', 'ram', 'brown bear', 'American black bear']
['koala', 'wombat', 'Madagascar cat', 'indri', 'titi']
['lion', 'cougar', 'leopard', 'cheetah', 'lynx']
['dugong', 'sea lion', 'puffer', 'tiger shark', 'sturgeon']
['wall clock', 'analog clock', 'barometer', 'magnetic compass', 'bell cote']
['digital clock', 'digital watch', 'scoreboard', 'odometer', 'scale']

5. Visualize Results

In this section, we have simply visualized all images and printed top labels predicted by the model above them using matplotlib. The visualization is created for predictions made by both models.

5.1 RestNet Predictions Visualization

We can notice from the visualization that the first predicted label using ResNet is correct for all images. The labels after first are also of objects which are somewhat near to the actual prediction.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,6))

for i, (img, pred) in enumerate(zip([panda, koala, lion, sea_lion, wall_clock, digital_clock], [panda_pred1, koala_pred1, lion_pred1, sea_lion_pred1, wall_clock_pred1, digital_clock_pred1])):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2,3,i+1)
    ax.set_xticks([],[]); ax.set_yticks([],[]);
    ax.text(0,0, "{}\n".format(pred))

MXNet (GluonCV): Image Classification using Pre-Trained Models

5.2 VGG Predictions Visualization

Here, we can notice that our VGG model has made a little mistake in the case of sea lion. It predicted all other images correctly. With sea lion prediction, the second target label is the sea lion.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,6))

for i, (img, pred) in enumerate(zip([panda, koala, lion, sea_lion, wall_clock, digital_clock], [panda_pred2, koala_pred2, lion_pred2, sea_lion_pred2, wall_clock_pred2, digital_clock_pred2])):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2,3,i+1)
    ax.set_xticks([],[]); ax.set_yticks([],[]);
    ax.text(0,0, "{}\n".format(pred))

MXNet (GluonCV): Image Classification using Pre-Trained Models

6. Try Other Models

If you are not getting good results using the above models then we would recommend that you try other models available from GluonCV for image classification. We have listed some of them below.

Please make a NOTE that models trained on CIFAR dataset starts with string 'cifar_'.

list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('resnext')])[:10]
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('resnest')])[:10]
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('mobilenet')])[:10]
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('squeezenet')])[:10]
['squeezenet1.0', 'squeezenet1.1']
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('densenet')])[:10]
['densenet121', 'densenet161', 'densenet169', 'densenet201']
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('alexnet')])[:10]
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('darknet')])[:10]
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('inception')])[:10]
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('googlenet')])[:10]
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('xception')])[:10]
['xception', 'xception71']
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('senet')])[:10]
['senet_154', 'senet_154e']
list([model_name for model_name in models_list if model_name.startswith('cifar_')])[:10]
Sunny Solanki  Sunny Solanki

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