Recently the field of data visualization has been on rising due to more emphasis on retrieving important and hidden information from data. The information which might not be easily visible by just looking at data can be visible through visualizations. People with different knowledge, different professions, different designations want to see and analyze data in a different way. This has given rise to interactive visualizations and dashboards. Dashboards are generally groups of visualization giving good knowledge about an underlying topic. Dashboards generally have widgets as well like dropdowns, multi-select, radio buttons, etc which lets people tweak visualizations to look at it from different perspectives as well as try different combinations to find out more information. Dashboards can be used for many purposes like website traffic analysis, production jobs monitoring, stock market movement monitoring, ML process analysis, and many more.
Python has a list of libraries that let us create dashboards. The most famous ones are dash from plotly, panel from anaconda, voila from quantstack, bokeh from numfocus & anaconda, and streamlit which is open source. Dash lets us create a dashboard with plotly charts whereas Panel lets us create a chart using bokeh, holoviews, matplotlib, and plotly. The voila lets us convert our jupyter notebook into the dashboard. Streamlit which is the library that we are going to cover in this tutorial lets us create a dashboard by using visualizations from matplotlib, plotly, Altair, vega lite, bokeh, pydeck, and graphviz. As a part of this tutorial, we'll try to explain with a simple example how to create a basic dashboard using streamlit. We'll embed plotly charts into the dashboard.
We'll now start with our dashboard without wasting much time.
We have first imported all necessary libraries. We'll be using cufflinks for creating plotly charts. Cufflinks is a library that lets us create plotly charts from pandas dataframe with just one line of code. If you are interested in learning about it then please feel free to check our tutorial on the same.
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import cufflinks as cf
import warnings
print("Streamlit Version : {}".format(st.__version__))
We'll be using the wine dataset available from scikit-learn. The dataset has information about different ingredients used in three different types of wines. We have loaded the dataset as a pandas dataframe from which we'll be creating plotly charts.
from sklearn.datasets import load_wine
wine = load_wine()
wine_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=wine.feature_names)
wine_df["WineType"] = [wine.target_names[t] for t in ]
We'll now introduce individual charts that will be displayed in our dashboard. We'll be creating these charts here with few default values. Later on, we'll link these charts to various widgets in order to update them based on selected values. Our dashboard will consist of 4 charts.
Below we have created a scatter plot showing the relationship between alcohol and malic_acid using iplot() method of pandas dataframe which we get by importing cufflinks. We have color-encoded each point based on wine type to analyze the relationship based on it. We have instructed iplot() method to return Figure object containing scatter chart.
We'll be later using this figure object when we create the layout of the dashboard. Here, we have displayed a scatter chart for explanation purposes.
Later on, we'll create two dropdowns (one for the x-axis and one for the y-axis) which will have a list of ingredients. We'll be linking those dropdowns with the x and y values of iplot() method and use them to explore the relationship between different combinations of ingredients.
scatter_fig = wine_df.iplot(kind="scatter", x="alcohol", y="malic_acid",
asFigure=True, opacity=1.0,
xTitle="Alcohol", yTitle="Malic Acid",
title="Alcohol vs Malic Acid",
Below we have created a dataframe that has an average of ingredients per wine type. We have created this data frame by grouping entries in the original data frame based on wine type and then taking an average across all columns to get the average for ingredients for each wine type. We'll be using this data frame to create our second chart.
avg_wine_df = wine_df.groupby(by=["WineType"]).mean()
Below we have created a stacked bar chart showing the average value of alcohol and malic_acid used in each wine type. We have used iplot() method to create bar chart by providing kind as bar and barmode as stack to stack bars.
We have taken a subset of the original dataframe from the previous cell by keeping only two columns in it (alcohol and malic acid). This time also we have returned Figure object which will be used later on in the dashboard layout.
Later on, we'll create a multi-select which we'll use to subset average ingredients dataframe to select ingredients that we want to see in our bar chart.
bar_fig = avg_wine_df[["alcohol", "malic_acid"]].iplot(kind="bar",
xTitle="Wine Type",
title="Distribution of Average Ingredients Per Wine Type",
Below we have created our third chart which is a histogram showing the distribution of values of ingredients. We have created a histogram by using iplot() method on our original pandas dataframe directly. We have provided a list of ingredients for which we want to see distribution to keys parameter of iplot() method. Here, we have created a histogram of malic_acid.
Later on, we'll create one multi-select and link it to keys parameter of iplot() method. We'll be using it to see a distribution of one or more ingredients. We'll also create a radio button with different values for bins parameter.
hist_fig = wine_df.iplot(kind="hist",
xTitle="Wine Type",
title="Distribution of Malic Acid",
Below we have created a pie chart that shows the distribution of number of samples for each wine type. As usual, we have created it using iplot() method by setting kind parameter to pie.
We have first created a data frame that has a count of samples for each wine type by grouping functionality of the data frame.
Below we have displayed a pie chart for explanation purposes.
wine_cnt = wine_df.groupby(by=["WineType"]).count()[['alcohol']].rename(columns={"alcohol":"Count"}).reset_index()
pie_fig = wine_cnt.iplot(kind="pie", labels="WineType", values="Count",
title="Wine Samples Distribution Per WineType",
As a part of this section, we'll introduce various widgets and container components that we'll be using in our dashboard. We'll introduce various methods provided by streamlit for showing text, markdown, creating widgets, creating containers, etc. Below is a list of components that we'll be using in our dashboard.
Below is a list of methods that will be used to create the components that we listed above.
Please do not worry if you don't understand the exact working of methods from the theoretical explanations above. Things will become clear when we explain the code of the dashboard where we have actually used it.
Please make a NOTE that we'll be adding all our widgets in the sidebar and the main container of the dashboard will only have charts. The charts will update as we change the values of our widgets.
As a part of this section, we'll explain how we have put together all charts and other components to create a final dashboard. We have divided code explanation into sections to make things easier to understand and faster to grasp.
Our code for the dashboard starts by importing all necessary libraries. It also loads the wine dataset from scikit-learn and stores it in pandas dataframe. We have also added the title of a dashboard using markdown() method which displays the title as an HTML H2 element.
Scatter Chart Logic - Our chart for scatter chart starts with the creation of a heading for scatter chart dropdowns. It then creates two dropdowns with a list of ingredients in the sidebar. The first dropdown selects alcohol by default and second dropdown selects malic_acid by default using index parameter. Both dropdown returns with selected values. We have then put if condition to check that values are selected. We create a scatter figure using values selected. We are using values returned by dropdowns to create a scatter chart. Each time, we make a change to any dropdown, streamlit will rerun the file again from the top and it'll recreate the chart.
Please make a note that each time you make a change to dashboard file, it'll show a button named Rerun on top-right corner of dashboard. Clicking on this button will rerun original file again to create dashboard with new changes.
You can execute the below command in shell/command prompt and it'll start the dashboard on port 8501 by default.
You can access the dashboard by going to link localhost:8501. The above command also will start the dashboard in the browser.
You can also record a screencast by clicking on a button with three lines in the top-right corner of the page and selecting the option Record a screencast. Once the record is complete, it'll ask you to save a file on a local computer. The file will be saved in webm format. This can be useful if you want to create a video for explanation purposes. We have included a GIF file created using a screencast of our dashboard below.
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import cufflinks as cf
from sklearn.datasets import load_wine
import warnings
####### Load Dataset #####################
wine = load_wine()
wine_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=wine.feature_names)
wine_df["WineType"] = [wine.target_names[t] for t in ]
st.markdown("## Wine Dataset Analysis") ## Main Title
################# Scatter Chart Logic #################
st.sidebar.markdown("### Scatter Chart: Explore Relationship Between Ingredients :")
ingredients = wine_df.drop(labels=["WineType"], axis=1).columns.tolist()
x_axis = st.sidebar.selectbox("X-Axis", ingredients)
y_axis = st.sidebar.selectbox("Y-Axis", ingredients, index=1)
if x_axis and y_axis:
scatter_fig = wine_df.iplot(kind="scatter", x=x_axis, y=y_axis,
asFigure=True, opacity=1.0,
xTitle=x_axis.replace("_"," ").capitalize(), yTitle=y_axis.replace("_"," ").capitalize(),
title="{} vs {}".format(x_axis.replace("_"," ").capitalize(), y_axis.replace("_"," ").capitalize()),
########## Bar Chart Logic ##################
st.sidebar.markdown("### Bar Chart: Average Ingredients Per Wine Type : ")
avg_wine_df = wine_df.groupby(by=["WineType"]).mean()
bar_axis = st.sidebar.multiselect(label="Bar Chart Ingredient", options=avg_wine_df.columns.tolist(), default=["alcohol","malic_acid"])
if bar_axis:
bar_fig = avg_wine_df[bar_axis].iplot(kind="bar",
xTitle="Wine Type",
title="Distribution of Average Ingredients Per Wine Type",
bar_fig = avg_wine_df[["alcohol"]].iplot(kind="bar",
xTitle="Wine Type",
title="Distribution of Average Alcohol Per Wine Type",
################# Histogram Logic ########################
st.sidebar.markdown("### Histogram: Explore Distribution of Ingredients : ")
hist_axis = st.sidebar.multiselect(label="Histogram Ingredient", options=ingredients, default=["malic_acid"])
bins ="Bins :", options=[10,20,30,40,50], index=1)
if hist_axis:
hist_fig = wine_df.iplot(kind="hist",
title="Distribution of Ingredients",
hist_fig = wine_df.iplot(kind="hist",
title="Distribution of Alcohol",
#################### Pie Chart Logic ##################################
wine_cnt = wine_df.groupby(by=["WineType"]).count()[['alcohol']].rename(columns={"alcohol":"Count"}).reset_index()
pie_fig = wine_cnt.iplot(kind="pie", labels="WineType", values="Count",
title="Wine Samples Distribution Per WineType",
##################### Layout Application ##################
container1 = st.container()
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with container1:
with col1:
with col2:
container2 = st.container()
col3, col4 = st.columns(2)
with container2:
with col3:
with col4:
This ends our small tutorial explaining how to create a simple dashboard with widgets using streamlit and cufflinks (plotly). Please feel free to let us know your views in the comments section.
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