Updated On : Sep-16,2020 Time Investment : ~30 mins

ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Python has a list of libraries for plotting maps in jupyter notebook like geopandas, folium, bokeh, bqplot, cartopy, etc. The ipyleaflet is one such library which provides easy to use interface for plotting various kinds of maps with different base tiles. The ipyleaflet is built on top of leaflet.js and ipywidgets. As ipyleaflet is based on ipywidgets which means that individual components of maps can be modified dynamically and it'll result in updating maps. We'll be discussing the usage of the ipyleaflet library for plotting various maps. If you are interested in learning other python libraries for plotting maps then please feel free to refer to the references section for tutorials on other python libraries for plotting maps.

We'll start by importing necessary libraries.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Creating Simple Map

The simplest way to create a map with ipyleaflet is by just creating an object of class Map(). It'll create a default world map with OpenStreetMap.Mapnik tile as a base map. We can set the center attribute with a tuple consisting of latitude and longitude telling it where to center the map. We can change different zoom levels by setting the zoom attribute with values between 1-15. The value of 1 will result in no zoom and the value of 15 will result in maximum zoom.

from ipyleaflet import Map

lat, lon = 18, 95

m = Map(center=(lat,lon), zoom=3)


ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Trying Various Base Maps

We can access basemap used for creating maps in ipyleaflet by calling basemap attribute on the map object. Below we can see that when we called basemap on the map object it shows us that the default basemap is OpenStreetMap.

{'url': 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
 'max_zoom': 19,
 'attribution': 'Map data (c) <a href="https://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'}

We can change the default basemap by setting other base maps available in ipyleaflet. We can access all base maps available in basemap using the basemaps module of ipyleaflet. Below we have printed a list of tiles available with OpenStreetMap basemap.

The list of total basemaps available with ipyleaflet are available from this link:

from ipyleaflet import basemaps

{'Mapnik': {'url': 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
  'max_zoom': 19,
  'attribution': 'Map data (c) <a href="https://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
  'name': 'OpenStreetMap.Mapnik'},
 'BlackAndWhite': {'url': 'http://{s}.tiles.wmflabs.org/bw-mapnik/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
  'max_zoom': 18,
  'attribution': '&copy; <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>',
  'name': 'OpenStreetMap.BlackAndWhite'},
 'DE': {'url': 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.de/tiles/osmde/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
  'max_zoom': 18,
  'attribution': '&copy; <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>',
  'name': 'OpenStreetMap.DE'},
 'France': {'url': 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
  'max_zoom': 20,
  'attribution': '&copy; Openstreetmap France | &copy; <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>',
  'name': 'OpenStreetMap.France'},
 'HOT': {'url': 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
  'max_zoom': 19,
  'attribution': '&copy; <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>, Tiles courtesy of <a href="http://hot.openstreetmap.org/" target="_blank">Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team</a>',
  'name': 'OpenStreetMap.HOT'}}

Below we have explained a simple example where we have changed the default basemap from OpenStreetMap.Mapnik to OpenStreetMap.BlackAndWhite.

m = Map(center=(lat,lon), zoom=3,


ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Below is another example where we have set basemap to OpenStreetMap.HOT.

m = Map(center=(lat,lon), zoom=3,


ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

We can change the base map even after the map is created. We can call the add_layer() method on the map object passing it basemap name as argument. The below example demonstrates how to do it by setting basemap to Esri.WorldStreetMap.

m = Map(center=(lat,lon), zoom=3)



ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Saving Map to HTML

We can also save ipyleaflet maps using the save() method of the map objects. Please make a note that we can save ipyleaflet maps only as HTML files.


Adding Markers, Icons & Popup Messages

We'll now explain how to add various types of markers, icons, and pop-up messages to maps. We'll load Indian census data for various districts of states. The dataset is available from kaggle.

Please feel free to download datasets to follow along.

district_wise_population = pd.read_csv("datasets/indian-census-data-with-geospatial-indexing/district wise population and centroids.csv")
State District Latitude Longitude Population in 2001 Population in 2011
0 Andhra Pradesh Anantapur 14.312066 77.460158 3640478 4081148
1 Andhra Pradesh Chittoor 13.331093 78.927639 3745875 4174064
2 Andhra Pradesh East Godavari 16.782718 82.243207 4901420 5154296
3 Andhra Pradesh Guntur 15.884926 80.586576 4465144 4887813
4 Andhra Pradesh Krishna 16.143873 81.148051 4187841 4517398

Below we have created another dataframe that will have information about districts of only one state (Gujarat) of India. We'll be using this dataset for plotting various districts’ locations on maps.

guj_districts_pop = district_wise_population[district_wise_population.State == "Gujarat"]
State District Latitude Longitude Population in 2001 Population in 2011
92 Gujarat Amreli 21.048326 71.434576 1393918 1514190
93 Gujarat Anand 22.282718 72.577821 1856872 2092745
94 Gujarat Banas Kantha 24.258539 71.932053 2504244 3120506
95 Gujarat Bharuch 21.757873 72.673263 1370656 1551019
96 Gujarat Bhavnagar 21.702194 72.162726 2469630 2880365
97 Gujarat Gandhinagar 23.193680 72.672217 1237168 1391753
98 Gujarat Jamnagar 22.410600 69.620620 1904278 2160119
99 Gujarat Junagadh 20.929523 70.547339 2448173 2743082
100 Gujarat Kachchh 23.480572 68.821923 1583225 2092371
101 Gujarat Kheda 22.887653 73.018804 2037894 2299885
102 Gujarat Narmada 21.706664 73.684032 514404 590297
103 Gujarat Navsari 20.866973 72.861849 1229463 1329672
104 Gujarat Patan 23.806342 71.751630 1182709 1343734
105 Gujarat Porbandar 21.550924 69.718970 536835 585449
106 Gujarat Rajkot 22.406034 70.836794 3169881 3804558
107 Gujarat Sabar Kantha 23.718036 73.136388 2082531 2428589
108 Gujarat Surat 21.257614 72.934887 4275540 6081322
109 Gujarat Surendranagar 22.826720 71.483587 1515148 1756268
110 Gujarat The Dangs 20.801634 73.688352 186729 228291
111 Gujarat Vadodara 22.261337 73.494330 3641802 4165626
112 Gujarat Valsad 20.442382 72.914858 1410553 1705678

We can create a marker in ipyleaflet using the Marker() constructor available. We need to pass the location of the marker as a tuple of latitude and longitude and it'll create a marker on the chart on that location. We can also pass a string that will appear as a popup when the mouse is dragged over that popup using the title attribute of Marker(). By default, the marker can be dragged from one location to another, but as we don't want it to move we have set the draggable attribute to False.

We can add a marker to the map by creating markers and then calling the add_layer() method on the map passing it a marker.

Below we have created a map where there is a marker on all district locations of the state of India. As the ipyleaflet map is ipywidgets widget internally, we can apply various styles to it. Below we have changed the height of the map by setting the height attribute of the layout of the map.

from ipyleaflet import Marker

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.Esri.WorldStreetMap)

for name, lon, lat in guj_districts_pop[["District", "Longitude", "Latitude"]].values:
    marker = Marker(location=(lat, lon), draggable=False, title=name, alt=name)



ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

We can create clusters of markers using the MarkerCluster() constructor available from ipyleaflet. If we need to add too many markers to the chart which can result in making the chart look crowded then its advisable to use MarkerCluster to create a cluster of markers. It'll group clusters based on location and when clicked on that cluster of markers, it'll zoom into that location and expand markers.

Below we have explained the usage of MarkerCluster where we are creating a cluster of all markers first and then adding them to the map.

Please make a note that we have used different basemap each time we draw a map to show different basemaps available with ipyleaflet.

from ipyleaflet import MarkerCluster

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.Esri.WorldStreetMap)

markers = []
for name, lon, lat in guj_districts_pop[["District", "Longitude", "Latitude"]].values:
    markers.append(Marker(location=(lat, lon), draggable=False, title=name, alt=name))

marker_cluster = MarkerCluster(markers=markers)



ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

The ipyleaflet also lets us change the default icon of markers available. There are different situations when we want to use different icons then available with ipyleaflet. We can create an icon by using the Icon() constructor available from ipyleaflet. We need to pass it the location of the URL where an icon is kept. We can also pass icon size. The ipyleaflet will download that image and will use it as a marker.

Once an icon is created then we need to set that icon object as the icon attribute of Marker() constructor.

from ipyleaflet import Icon

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.Esri.NatGeoWorldMap)

for name, lon, lat in guj_districts_pop[["District", "Longitude", "Latitude"]].values:
    icon = Icon(icon_url='https://image.flaticon.com/icons/png/128/2968/2968342.png', icon_size=[40, 40], icon_anchor=[22,94])
    marker = Marker(location=(lat, lon), icon=icon, title=name, alt=name)



ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

The ipyleaflet also lets us change the image inside of the default image of the marker. We can change the default circle inside of the marker image to other symbols like train, email, help, etc. The ipyleaflet allows us to use any icon available from fontawesome as an icon of the marker.

We need to create an object of AwesomeIcon available from ipyleaflet passing it name of fontawesome that we want to include in our map. We then need to set this icon object as an icon attribute of Marker().

Please feel free to look at this link in order to look at the names of icons available from fontawesome:

from ipyleaflet import AwesomeIcon

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.Stamen.Terrain)

for name, lon, lat in guj_districts_pop[["District", "Longitude", "Latitude"]].values:
    icon = AwesomeIcon(name='train', marker_color='red', icon_color='darkgreen')
    marker = Marker(location=(lat, lon), icon=icon, title=name, alt=name)



ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

The ipyleaflet also allows us to add a popup to various locations on the map. We can create popup by using the Popup() constructor available from ipyleaflet.

Below we have created popup at various district locations of the state of India. We have also displayed district names and populations in the popup.

The popup object only accepts an object of type ipywidgets.HTML. We first need to create an object of ipywidgets.HTML with string values and then set it as the child attribute of Popup().

from ipyleaflet import Popup
from ipywidgets import HTML

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.Stamen.Toner)

for name, population, lon, lat in guj_districts_pop[["District", "Population in 2011", "Longitude", "Latitude"]].values:
    message = HTML(value="%s : %d"%(name, population))
    popup = Popup(location=(lat, lon), child=message, close_button=False, auto_close=False, close_on_escape_key=False)



ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

We can also add a popup on top of markers by creating an object of ipywidgets.HTML and then setting it as the popup attribute of the marker. We have explained the usage of the same in the below example. This popup will appear when someone clicks on a marker.

Please make a note that popup won't be visible on the tutorial page as all maps are shown as a static images. It'll be interactive when code is run in a jupyter notebook.

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.Stamen.Watercolor)

for name, population, lon, lat in guj_districts_pop[["District", "Population in 2011", "Longitude", "Latitude"]].values:
    message = HTML(value="%s : %d"%(name, population))
    marker = Marker(location=(lat, lon))

    marker.popup = message




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Adding Lines, Circles, Rectangles, and Polygons to Map

The ipyleaflet provides various constructors that let us add various shapes like lines, polygons, rectangle, circles, etc on map. We'll now explain how to add various shapes on the map on by one.

Poly Lines

The lines can be added to the ipyleaflet map using the Polyline constructor of ipyleaflet. Below we have drawn a line between the first three districts of the Indian state dataframe.

We need to pass a list of a tuple of latitude and longitude to the locations attribute of Polyline(). We then need to add this polyline object map using the add_layer() method map passing it polyline object. We can also set attributes like the color of the line, the width of the line , etc.

Please make a note that the locations attribute expects location details as python list object and will result in an error if numpy array or any other object type is passed.

from ipyleaflet import Polyline

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.NASAGIBS.BlueMarble)

locations = guj_districts_pop[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][:3].values.tolist()
poly_line = Polyline(locations=locations, color="red" , fill=False)




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Below we have explained another example to show usage of Polyline(). This time we have added two polylines to the map. One polyline consist of the first three district locations of the state and the second polyline consists of the last three district locations of the state. We have also changed line color and width this time from default. We can also fill the area covered by polyline by setting the fill attribute of the constructor to True. It'll fill the area created by connecting endpoints of the polyline.

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=6, basemap = basemaps.Esri.NatGeoWorldMap)

locations1 = guj_districts_pop[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][:3].values.tolist()
locations2 = guj_districts_pop[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][-3:].values.tolist()
poly_line = Polyline(locations=[locations1, locations2], color="dodgerblue" , fill=True, weight=2)




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js


We can create a polygon on ipyleaflet maps by using the Polygon() constructor. The usage of Polygon() constructor is the same as that of Polyline(). It also accepts a list of locations connecting which polygon needs to be created. Below we have created a polygon connecting four district locations.

from ipyleaflet import Polygon

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=6, basemap = basemaps.HikeBike.HikeBike)

locations1 = guj_districts_pop[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][8:12].values.tolist()
poly_line = Polygon(locations=locations1, color="tomato" , fill=False, weight=2)




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Below is another example demonstrating the usage of Polygon(). This time we have added two polygons to the chart as well as modified a few polygon attributes like color, line width, opacity, etc.

from ipyleaflet import Polygon

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=6)

locations1 = guj_districts_pop[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][:3].values.tolist()
locations2 = guj_districts_pop[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][8:12].values.tolist()
poly_line = Polygon(locations=[locations1, locations2], color="black", stroke=True, opacity=0.5, weight=2)




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js


We can easily add a rectangle to the ipyleaflet map by using the Rectangle() constructor. We need to pass a list of two tuples with latitude and longitude details to the Rectangle() constructor as bounds and it'll create a rectangle connecting those locations. We can modify the rectangle line color, width, fill, etc as well.

from ipyleaflet import Rectangle

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=6)

rect_locs = guj_districts_pop[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][:2].values.tolist()
rectangle = Rectangle(bounds=rect_locs, color="tomato", weight=3)




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js


The ipyleaflet lets us add a circle of different sizes on maps as well. We can create a circle by calling Circle() constructor passing it a location where the circle needs to be created. We can also modify circle size by setting the radius attribute of Circle().

Below we have created a circle at each district location of the Indian state. We have also modified the size of a circle based on the population of that district. We have also added popup displaying district name and population when someone clicks on the circle.

from ipyleaflet import Circle

m = Map(center=(22,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.CartoDB.Positron)

for name, population, lon, lat in guj_districts_pop[["District", "Population in 2011", "Longitude", "Latitude"]].values:
    message = HTML(value="%s : %d"%(name, population))
    circle = Circle(location=(lat, lon), radius=population//100, color="dodgerblue", fill_color="black")

    circle.popup = message




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Ant Path

The ipyleaflet provides us unique functionality which lets us create a line between locations of map-like an ant is moving. It can be very useful to show the movement of any kind of resource from one location to another. Its commonly referred to as the ant path and can be created using the AntPath() constructor.

We need to pass it a list of locations as a tuple of latitude and longitude. It'll then create an ant path between that location with a path starting from the first location. We can also change the path of ants movement from the last point to the first by setting the reverse attribute to True.

Please make a note that the ant movement will not be visible on the tutorial page but it'll be visible when code is run in the jupyter notebook.

from ipyleaflet import AntPath

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.CartoDB.DarkMatter)

locations = guj_districts_pop.sort_values(by=["Longitude"])[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][1:8].values.tolist()
ant_path = AntPath(locations = locations, weight=7, delay=500, color="white", pulse_color="red", dash_array=[10,50])




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Below we have created another example of usage of AntPath() where we have created polygon of movement. We have also modified various attributes like path width, color, movement speed, etc.

m = Map(center=(23,72), zoom=7, basemap = basemaps.OpenStreetMap.HOT)

locations = guj_districts_pop.sort_values(by=["Longitude"])[["Latitude", "Longitude"]][1:8].values.tolist()
ant_path = AntPath(locations = locations,
                   delay=500, color="black", pulse_color="lightgray",
                   dash_array=[10,50], use="polygon")




ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Starbucks Store Locations Interactive Scatter Plot

We'll now explain another example where we'll plot CircleMarker() on a chart depicting different locations of new york where there is a Starbucks store. We'll be using the Starbucks store locations dataset available from kaggle for this.

Please feel free to download the dataset to follow along.

starbucks = pd.read_csv("datasets/starbucks_store_locations.csv")
Brand Store Number Store Name Ownership Type Street Address City State/Province Country Postcode Phone Number Timezone Longitude Latitude
0 Starbucks 47370-257954 Meritxell, 96 Licensed Av. Meritxell, 96 Andorra la Vella 7 AD AD500 376818720 GMT+1:00 Europe/Andorra 1.53 42.51
1 Starbucks 22331-212325 Ajman Drive Thru Licensed 1 Street 69, Al Jarf Ajman AJ AE NaN NaN GMT+04:00 Asia/Dubai 55.47 25.42
2 Starbucks 47089-256771 Dana Mall Licensed Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed St. Ajman AJ AE NaN NaN GMT+04:00 Asia/Dubai 55.47 25.39
3 Starbucks 22126-218024 Twofour 54 Licensed Al Salam Street Abu Dhabi AZ AE NaN NaN GMT+04:00 Asia/Dubai 54.38 24.48
4 Starbucks 17127-178586 Al Ain Tower Licensed Khaldiya Area, Abu Dhabi Island Abu Dhabi AZ AE NaN NaN GMT+04:00 Asia/Dubai 54.54 24.51

Below we have created a circle on all locations in new york where there is a Starbucks store. We have created the MarkerCluster() of all circles in order to prevent the map from getting crowded. We can see the MarkerCluster() has created clusters of circles where the stores are very near to each other. We can click on that cluster and it'll zoom and expand circles. We have also used popup which will display the store name and country when clicked on the circle.

from ipyleaflet import CircleMarker

m = Map(zoom=12, center=(40.79,-73.98))

markers = []
for name, country, lon, lat in starbucks[(starbucks.Country=="US") & (starbucks.City=="New York")][["Store Name", "Country", "Longitude", "Latitude"]].values:
    message = HTML(value="%s : %s"%(name, country))
    circle = CircleMarker(location=(lat, lon), color="black", fill_color="black", weight=3)

    circle.popup = message


marker_cluster = MarkerCluster(markers=markers)



ipyleaflet - Interactive Maps in Python based on leaflet.js

Sunny Solanki  Sunny Solanki

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